Having a cider festival? Got a freehouse pub or an off licence? Maybe you should give us a shout. We can sort out a single bag in box or a whole variety of cider from a selection of local producers who share our passion and terroir.
Need something branded for your own restaurant or business then we can help there too.
From our 5 acres of cider apple orchard we produce small batches of craft cider. The juice is made on a traditional rack and screw press only once the fruit is at its Autumnal peak. Next it goes through a wild yeast fermentation and a period of time to mature. The majority of our cider is bottle conditioned; it is blended and cider apple juice is added to provide more sugar then it is bottled where it undergoes a final fermentation to trap the fine bubbles that make it gently sparkle. As this process is wild it is subject to variation throughout the season and no two batches are identical. All our cider is sold through wholesalers or to pub landlords. We do not have a licenced premises to sell direct to the general public.
We grow five varieties of cider apple at twinways orchard;
- Dabinett
- Yarlington mill
- Chisel jersey
- Michelin
- Browns apple
These are for sale in quantities varying from one sack full to a 15t trailer load and many amusing varieties of receptacle in-between.
Apples are available from late September onward until late December. Please contact us with as much time possible. Usually most large apple sales are concluded by August, however smaller quantities can usually be accommodated on an ad-hock basis throughout the season.
Cider apple juice
Quantities varying from a single demijohn to thousands of litres of fresh cider juice are available from late September until early January depending on quantities. The juice is supplied fresh ideally pumped into your own vessel and transported by you or your agent back to your own premises where it is your own responsibility to comply with any customs regulations or environmental health responsibilities. Small to medium quantities are available pasteurised in 20 litre bag in box format.
Records of apple provenance, variety, blend and other fruit info including specific gravity are provided with each batch. Production records and batch records are available on prior request to include HACCP records for you to include in your production records.